Google Earth Outreach is manning a computer lab at the conference, where attendees can stop by to get an introduction to Google Earth, and learn how they can use it in their work. During the day Friday and Saturday, we met individuals from the Women's Forest Sanctuary,
Nonviolent Peaceforce,
Ocean Conservancy, and numerous community and non-profit organizations from all over the country. We gave individual and group demos - how to create a Google My Map and add data in Google Earth. We also demoed a lot of different Google Earth projects by NGOs, including the new Bioneers project,
Dreaming New Mexico, which has an
amazing Google Earth Plug-in site developed by Googler
John Gardiner in his 20% time.

We also saw interesting things like the
Bag Monster
and a giant rotating globe!

This morning, Sunday, Oct. 19th, Rebecca Moore, Manager of Google Earth Outreach, presented during the Bioneers plenary session, followed by two in-depth afternoon sessions highlighting NGO uses of Google Earth. Stay tuned for more!
Posted by Sean Askay, Google Earth Outreach