For one thing, Pegman, our plucky mascot, is now close at hand wherever you go. He hangs out right on top of the zoom slider:

To enter Street View, drag Pegman to a street (or just keep zooming in all the way, and the lowest zoom level is now Street View imagery). Tip: if you hold Pegman over a location for a second, you'll see a preview of what it looks like. Which direction you're facing depends on which side of the street you drag to:

Also, we've revamped the layout of Street View to give you more room for looking at really big stuff like the
Colosseum in Rome, or for
zooming in to get a better look at small stuff like this
space invader mosaic in Paris.The minimap in the corner lets you see the surrounding area. To see Street View and the map at the same time, you can click on the

icon at the top left of the minimap. Looking up driving directions? This split screen view is especially handy for previewing turns along the way, and each step will be listed at the top of the Street View image.