In the afternoon, Google Earth Outreach presented on two panels: the first dove deeper into Appalach
ian Voices' use of Google Earth and Maps with Mary Anne Hitt, the Executive Director of Appalachian Voices, and showed how Sylvia Earle, Founder of Deep Ocean Exploration and Research (DOER), has used Google Earth for marine conservation. John Gardiner also discussed the development of the Dreaming New Mexico visualization project, done in collaboration with Bioneers, Peter Warshall, Chantal Foster and Alex Sielicki. The second panel featured the Neighborhood Against Irresponsible Logging group, who are celebrating their recent win, defeating a logging proposal in the Santa Cruz Mountains.Stay tuned for an update about the post-workshop intensive training session where public benefit groups are learning to use Google Earth and Maps to make the world a better place.
Posted by Tanya Keen, Google Earth Outreach