This layer was developed to share information about the South China Sea Project with the Google Earth community. It is also being used as a tool for sharing geographical information and data among scientists and managers from seven countries bordering the South China Sea.According to the Project Director, Dr. John Pernetta, this KML provides "an overview of the regional network of government ministries and departments, research institutes, and universities involved in the implementation of project activities; the project’s suite of habitat demonstration sites and pilot activities bordering the South China Sea basin; and information and data for 135 mangrove, coral reef, seagrass, and wetlands sites of the South China Sea studied during the project."
By providing rich information in the description bubbles, this KML uses Google Earth as the geographical search engine to provide an in-depth analysis of the South China Sea. This layer is a great example of how to connect with a wide audience. We encourage you to explore it in the Google Earth Outreach Showcase, and get a feel for the beauty and importance of this region.